This is the Summer that I check a bunch of adventures off my Bucket List. Activities that I have put off for way too long. If anything was reinforced for me this last year it is that life is unpredictable and 'why put off for tomorrow when can be done today!'

Which is why I went Skydiving last Friday
I have been wanting to go SkyDiving ever since I went to college at USF and they had a SkyDiving Club on campus. Being a college student living on a shoe string budget, I couldn't afford the skydiving jumps, so that desire got put on the back burner.
The Sky Diving capital is located in Zephyrhills, so close, but yet so far.
For all the time that I was living in Tampa, after college and building businesses, I could have gone, but it kept getting put off.
When my brother, sister and I ran the Marine Corps Marathon together for my brother's 40th birthday, to check that off his Bucket List, we all agreed that sky diving was on all of our Bucket Lists, and we even discussed going together.
But years slip away and their families expanded, which gave them pause to jump out of a perfectly fine airplane.

A Tandem Jump from 13,500 feet
I can definitely understand if my siblings didn't want to go, but I was not waiting any longer!
Signing up to do a Tandem Jump with Sky Dive City, I arrived last Friday to watch a warning video, sign my life away if something went wrong and strapped myself to an Adrenaline Junkie who had completed over 5,000 jumps. Either I was going to be really safe with an experienced jumper, or I was in for the jump of my life!
I used to be really adventurous. Rollercoasters are one of my favorite rides. When I lived in New Jersey, every year when Great Adventure would open up for the summer, Jeff and I would drive the couple of hours to the park and ride rollercoasters all day.
Riding Rollercoasters gave me the ability to scream at the top of my lungs and no one said anything! You fly superfast, diving and being thrown around, upside down and from high altitudes. Jumping out of a plane into a freefall, heading for the earth, gave me another reason to scream at the top of my lungs and gave me a similar rush.

There are so many adventures that have been sitting on my list, waiting for me to pull that adventure girl back out and go have some fun!
So this is my Summer of checking off items on my Bucket List that are achievable, without doing the activities that require traveling overseas. SkyDiving was #1.
Are there activities that you have been wanting to do and have continued to put them off for one reason or another? Let me know what they are and if you decide to check them off your list this summer as well!
Stay tuned to see what other interesting activities I choose to do.